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Plese find answers to the common questions we are asked about. If you have a question that is not answered below, please feel free to call our dispatch office at (330) 385-0200. The dispatcher on duty will be able to answer any question you might have.
Rates vary depending on a base fee, per loaded mile fee and wait time. If you ride is covered by your insurance, there is no need to worry. Your insurance will pay for that ride based on the rates agreed to when we contract with that insurance company.
If you are a self-pay rider, just call our dispatch office at (330) 385-0200 to schedule your ride. However, if your insurance is coveribng the cost of your ride, tyhey will schedule your ride with us one you call them to set it up. You can even request Tri Stater Cab Co, LLC when you call them.
There are no hidden charges! The only additional fee that might be added is if there is a high toll cost to get you where you're going. However, we try very hard to avoid routes that have tolls.
Absolutly! We can take you where you need to go and drop you off, or we can take you and bring you back!
We accept different medical insurances, cash, and credit or debit card payments. You can pay by credit or debit over the phone when you call to schedule your ride.
The best thing to do in that situation is call the dispatch office (330) 385-0200 as soon as you realize you forgot something. Make sure you tell the dispatcher on duty what day and time you were in our vehicle and what the vehicle number was. Our vehicles are numbered. The dispatcher will then contact the driver asap to have him or her look for your things. Timing is important! If the driver doesn't notice that you left something in time, your things could be lost to another rider. Our drivers try to check the cabs completely when a customer gets out. However, some days they are really busy and they are pressed for time getting to the next rider who is waiting. If the driver finds the things you left in the cab, he or she will bring them back to the dispatch office where you will be able to retreive them. Please understand that we cannot be responsible for lost items.
If the driver is held up and going to be a little late getting to you, either the driver or the dipatcher on duty will call you to let you know what the problem is and how late the driver will be. If you have not received a call from the dispatcher, please call us asap at (330) 385-0200
Yes, you most certainly can! It's your money so you can spend it on whatever you want.
Our drivers are completing many runs throughout each day. You can schedule your ride up until the day before. As a matter of fact, we would prefer that you schedule the day before the ride is to take place.